Friday, December 15, 2023

Weekly Update

We have been preparing for the Gift Service, which will be on Wednesday, December 20 at 9:00 am at Reveille United Methodist Church. This is such a special service and I hope you can attend. It will also be live streamed and the link was provided in this week's week at a glance from the school.

Thank you to everyone for sending in a wrapped mug by today. They are lined up by our class Christmas tree and we are excited for the mug exchange, which will take place Tuesday morning.


The girls did a great on the abstract noun project. They each reflected on the holiday season and chose 4-6 abstract nouns that represent this season to this. They learned how to use a fabulous resource called Canva to create their presentation.


Friday, December 8, 2023

Weekly Update


We have had another great week. With the anticipation on Christmas, there is lots of excitement in the midst of still trying to learn new material. We will attempt to keep the lamps of learning burning until Christmas break!

I hope you saw the letter from Mrs. Ivens about the costume requirements for the Gift Service on Wednesday, December 20 at 9:00 am at Reveille United Methodist Church. The letter is here in case the hard copy didn't make it our of the backpack! Each Fourthie knows her role in the service and I reinforced that every single role is important.

We had a great field trip on Tuesday to tour the Virginia Capitol. Thanks to Maclaren's dad, Josh Humphries, for organizing a quick visit with the Virginia Secretary of Education, Aimee Guidera. It was great to hear from an accomplished woman in this leadership role.

The girls are enjoying our current class novel Rain Reign and are learning very much about empathy as we read about Rose, the main character. In math, we have been practicing 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication and will continue with a project on it next week. Using a fabulous website called Canva, the girls are creating slideshows to show their knowledge on abstract nouns. Their final products will be posted on next week's blog post.


Saturday, December 2, 2023

Weekly Update



We had a great week back from Thanksgiving break. The Christmas season is upon us and the girls are excited! We had several special events this week including a big sister/little sister get together to make ornaments. On Thursday, we had a gold/white spirit day and played a game of Splat. Yesterday, we had a spirited chapel and ended the day making old-fashioned decorations for the holly trees around the playground. This was a special opportunity just for the Fourthies and we had lots of fun. Thank you to all of the parents who donated the supplies and came in to help. We will finish making the ornaments on Monday and then decorate the trees.

Along with all of this extra fun, we are still working through the curriculum! Next week, we will learn how to multiply two-digit by two-digit numbers. The girls and I had a great conversation about the importance of knowing the basic multiplication facts when solving mult-digit problems. In reading, we started a new novel called Rain Reign which is about a character Rose who has some special needs and is an endearing character. She loves homonyms so we are learning to distinguish between words that sound the same when pronounced but have different spellings and meanings. 

On Tuesday, we have our field trip to the Virginia State Capitol to reinforce our study of the three branches of government. Please read here for the details of the trip. 


Since it is the season of giving, we have a Lower School Outreach project to support Celebrate RVA. This is a fabulous organization started by St. Catherine's alumna, Julia Warren Mattingly. Each grade level will collect a different supply to make birthday bags to donate to them. They supply children from underprivileged families with birthday bags to celebrate their birthdays. Fourth grade is collecting happy birthday plates and napkins without any characters. Thank you for your support!

On December 19, we will have a class mug exchange! The girls and I briefly discussed it this week and I hope everyone will participate.


Weekly Update

  The Lower School collected over $4,400 from the Read-In to benefit the Autism Society of Central Virginia. Many thanks for your support......